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  • HTML Guide 3 - Text Tags | CSNewbs

    3. Tags for Text HTML Guide Watch on YouTube: Remember to write the tags for everything you want the user to see between the and tags. Headings Time to add text to your web page such as headings and paragraphs. To write a large heading , use and ​ To write headings in a smaller size, use numbers between 1 and 6. Add a large heading and a sub-heading to your webpage. paragraph Paragraphs Typing text between the and tags will create a paragraph . Add at least three different paragraphs to your webpage. bold underline italics Bold, Underline & Italics You can format your text by changing it to be bold , underlined or italicised (slanted). Now you have text on your web page, you can add hyperlinks to take viewers to different websites. In the paragraphs you have already written, add at least 1 bold tag, 1 underline tag and 1 italics tag. 2. Essential Tags HTML Guide 4. Hyperlinks

  • Python | 1c - Creating Variables | CSNewbs

    top Python 1c - Creating Variables What is a Variable? A variable represents a value that can change as a program is running . The two parts of a variable are the name (e.g. sweets) and the value (e.g. 8). sweets = 8 ​ print (sweets) = 8 amount of sweets = 8 ​ 8sweets = 8 sweets A variable can't contain spaces , it must start with a letter , and you must declare its value before you can use or print it. You always need to print the variable name (e.g. biscuits), not the value (20) as the value can change. Important – When writing variable names, we do not need speech marks. (e.g. type biscuits , not “biscuits”) ​ We use variables because the value of something might change as the program is executed. For example, if someone eats a sweet then the value of our variable changes: sweets = 8 ​ print (sweets) ​ sweets = 7 print (sweets) = 8 7 sweets = 8 ​ print ( Sweets) You must be consistent with capital letters when writing variable names. ​ sweets and Sweets are treated as two different variables. Creating Variables Task 1 ( Age & Pets) Make a variable named age and set it to your current age. On the next line print age . ​ Make another variable named pets and set it to how many pets you have. On the next line print pets . Example solution: 14 2 Variables with Strings (Text) In programming, a collection of alphanumeric characters (letters, numbers and punctuation) is called a string . "Pikachu" is a string. ​ In the example below, pokemon is the variable name that represents the variable value "Pikachu" . pokemon = "Pikachu" ​ print (pokemon) = Pikachu To create a string, we use "speech marks" . Numbers by themselves and variable names do not use speech marks. Each variable can only have one value at a time, but it can change throughout the program. pokemon = "Pikachu" ​ print (pokemon) ​ pokemon = "Squirtle" ​ print (pokemon) = Pikachu Squirtle Creating Variables Task 2 ( Superhero & Colour ) Make a variable named superhero and set it to any of your choice, such as "Spider-Man" . Print the superhero variable on the next line. ​ Make another variable named colour and set it to the colour related to your chosen superhero. Print the colour variable on the next line. Example solutions: Spider-Man Red The Hulk Green ⬅ 1b - Co mmenting 1d - Using Variables ➡

  • 2.4b - Assembly Language | OCR A-Level | CSNewbs

    Exam Board: OCR 2.4b: Assembly Language Specification: A-Level 2015 An instruction set is a list of all the instructions that a CPU can process as part of the FDE cycle . ​ CPUs can have different sets of instructions that they can perform based on their function. The two most common instruction sets are the simpler RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer ) and more complicated CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer ). Instruction Sets This page is still being updated. Graphical Processing Unit What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Q uesto's Q uestions 2.4b - Assembly Language: ​ 1. What is cache memory ? [ 2 ] ​ 2.4a - Programming & Pseudocode Theory Topics 2.4c - Object-Oriented Language

  • Key Stage 3 | CSNewbs

    Key Stage 3 Topics Hardware Python Basics 1. Motherboard 2. The CPU 3. Memory 4. Expansion Cards 1. The Basics 2. Variables 3. Inputs 4. Calculations 5. Selection 6. Turtle 7. Link to GCSE Python Cyber Security 1. Malware 2. Phishing & Staying Safe Desktop Publishing (DTP) Desktop Publishing

  • 3.4b - HTML, CSS & JavaScript | OCR A-Level | CSNewbs

    Exam Board: OCR 3.4b - HTML, CSS & JavaScript Specification: A-Level 2015 An instruction set is a list of all the instructions that a CPU can process as part of the FDE cycle . ​ CPUs can have different sets of instructions that they can perform based on their function. The two most common instruction sets are the simpler RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer ) and more complicated CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer ). Instruction Sets This page is still being updated. Graphical Processing Unit What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Q uesto's Q uestions 3.4b - HTML, CSS & JavaScript: ​ 1. What is cache memory ? [ 2 ] ​ 3.4a - Web Technologies Theory Topics 4.1a - Data Types & Character Sets

  • App Inventor 2 | Munchin' Pizza | CSNewbs

    App Inventor Task 3 - Munchin' Pizza This page will teach you how to make a simple app that changes pictures when a button is pressed . ​ You can make the app more complex by adding sounds or additional buttons. Step 1: Set up App Inventor 2 Open App Inventor 2 (use the button on the right) and create a new project. You will need to log in with a Google account. ​ Download the picture images from the zipped folder on the App Inventor 2 Basics page here . Once you have downloaded the pizza pictures you will need to upload them. Find the Media tab on the right side of App Inventor and click 'Upload File...' You will need to upload each picture individually. In the Palette tab on the left side, drag two buttons into the middle screen so they look like this: In the Components tab on the right, click on Button1 and click the Rename button at the bottom to change it to Pizza . Then Rename Button2 to Munch . This will help us when we code later as it will be less confusing. Click on the second button (Munch) that you just dragged into the centre then look in the Properties tab on the right and scroll down to Text . Change 'Text for Munch' to something like 'Munch Pizza' . Now click on the first button in the centre (Pizza) and in the Properties tab, click on Image and select the first image. ​ It should be the full slice of pizza. ​ When you have set the image, you might notice it goes a bit crazy. Still in the Properties tab, change the Height and Width to 'Fill parent...' for both. This will make the image fit within the boundaries of the screen. Finally, change the Text for the Pizza button to be blank. Otherwise it will appear on top of the pizza and look odd. So far you should have a button disguised as a pizza and another button that tells you to munch that lovely cheesy deliciousness. ​ If your program does not look like this, read the instructions above again carefully. Step 2: Code Click on the Blocks button in the top right to start adding code. In the Blocks tab on the left side click on Munch and drag the when Munch Click block into the centre. This block will execute any code inside of it whenever the munch button is clicked. In the Blocks tab on the left side click on Logic and drag an if then block and snap it inside the block you just dragged over. Click on the blue cog button and drag four else if blocks inside the if block at the bottom. ​ The blocks at the top will automatically update when you drag the blocks under the if block underneath. Because we are using different images, we need to check which image is currently being displayed, so we know which picture to change to. ​ Firstly we want to check if the first image is being displayed. Connect an = block from the Logic section. ​ Then add a Pizza Image block from the Pizza section. Lastly grab a " " block from the Text section and write the name of your first image inside (e.g. pizza1.jpg) Don't forget the extension (.jpg). But what does this code actually mean? It is checking to see what the current pizza image is. And if it is pizza1.jpg then it is going to... ​ ...change the picture to pizza2.jpg, as if someone has munched the pizza! ​ Grab a set Pizza Image to block from Pizza and then snap another " " block from Text and add the pizza2.jpg text inside. Now that we have written the code to check the current picture and move it to the next one when pressed, we just need to copy this for the other four pizza pictures. ​ Rather than select all the blocks again, right-clicking on the blocks and selecting 'Duplicate' will copy them. Copy each block and then change the values so that if pizza2.jpg is the current image, then it sets it to pizza3.jpg and so on. ​ Make sure that pizza5.jpg sets the image to pizza1.jpg so that it goes round in a loop. ​ Program 3 Complete! Step 3: Run The easiest way to run an app that you have created at home using App Inventor 2 is to download the free MIT AI2 Companion App on your smartphone from the Google Play Store . At the top of the App inventor program on your computer , click on Connect and AI Companion . This will generate a six-digit code you can type into your phone. ​ If your school has the emulator installed, you can also use this to test your app. Extra Step: Challenges 1. Create your own images and upload them . You can easily create your own set of pictures and link them together. Why not try: ​ Eating a different type of food (e.g. cookie or doughnut). A simple scene that changes from night to day. A simple character that changes appearance (like Pikachu powering up a thunder strike with each button press). 2. Add a sound effect whenever a button is pressed . In the video at the top of the page, you'll see I have a 'munch' sound whenever the button is pressed. You could record this sound yourself or use a sound effect site. ​ Once you have got your sound file (it should be short and .mp3) you need to upload it, just like you uploaded your images. In the Designer layout click 'Upload file...' in the Media tab on the right. Then look in the Palette tab on the left side, open the Media section and drag a Sound block into the centre. It will appear underneath the phone screen in a section called 'non-visible components' which is fine. ​ Now click on Properties on the right side and choose the sound file you just uploaded in the Source box. Click on the Blocks button in the top right to start adding the code! In the Blocks tab on the left side, click on Sound1 and drag the call Sound1 Play block directly underneath when Munch click . This will play the sound everytime the button is pressed. 3. Add more buttons . You could add a second clickable button which reverses the pattern and a third button that resets the order back to the first image. Adding new buttons is easy - drag them from the Palette tab in the Designer layout. Change the button text in the Properties tab and the name of the button in the Components tab. ​ To add code, click on Blocks in the top right then you can duplicate the code for Munch by right-clicking and choosing Duplicate. Now just change the values to what you want. If you are making a reset button, you don't need an if then statement, just set the image to your first image when the button is clicked. ​ Keep messing around with the program and have fun! KS3 Home Tasks 4, 5 & 6

  • 4.3 - Green IT | Unit 2 | OCR Cambridge Technicals | CSNewbs

    4.3 - Green IT Exam Board: OCR Specification: 2016 - Unit 2 What is 'Green IT'? ‘Green IT ’ is to use computers and IT resources in an efficient and environmentally responsible way to reduce an organisation’s carbon footprint . ​ To 'reduce carbon footprint ' means to decrease the amount of pollution (such as CO2 ) produced by an organisation and to engage in more eco-friendly practice. Examples of Green IT Practice Global Requirements of Green IT United Nations Climate Change conferences occur every year and are attended by leaders of each country in the United Nations. The conferences establish obligations for countries to work towards reducing their carbon footprints and emissions of greenhouse gases . Whilst Green IT is not specifically mentioned in these talks, IT is a hugely important sector with large annual emissions that need to be reduced to meet the climate change limitations, such as the Paris Agreement. ​ In the UK, the Greening Government ICT Strategy (running between 2011 and 2015) was an annual report that investigated how IT use could become 'greener' within the government . Positive consequences of this strategy included: ​ Using more cloud storage technology , enabling fewer individual storage devices to be purchased, reducing emissions . Using social media more widely to contact voters - saving money by posting fewer letters and leaflets. Increasing the use of teleconferencing and video calls - reducing the need for unnecessary travel to meetings and avoiding the generation of heavy pollution. Q uesto's Q uestions 4.3 - Green IT: ​ 1. What is meant by the term 'Green IT '. [3 ] ​ 2a. Explain four ways that an organisation can follow good green IT practice . [4 ] 2b. Describe two reasons why it is beneficial to a company of following Green IT . [4 ] ​ 3a. Why are the United Nations Climate Change conferences important ? [2 ] 3b. Describe two ways that the UK government have used Green IT . [4 ] Turn off computers , monitors and other connected devices when not in use . Adjust power options to help minimise power consumption.​ Use cloud storage or virtualisation to reduce the number of physical devices being bought, powered and maintained. Repair older devices rather than throwing them away. Consider if it is necessary to print a document before doing so and print only what is required . Recycle ink cartridges and paper . Donate older equipment to charities or schools for reuse . Why use Green IT? It is in an organisation's best interests to use Green IT practices for the following reasons: To become more sustainable by reducing the company's carbon footprint and positively impacting the environment . Reducing energy costs (e.g. by turning equipment off when not in use) and saving money . Improving the public image of the organisation as people are increasingly environmentally conscious and will prefer to do business with a company that follows environmentally-friendly policies. 4.2 - Global Legislation Topic List 5.1 - Data Types & Sources

  • 8.3 - Writing Algorithms - Eduqas GCSE (2020 Spec) | CSNewbs

    8.3: Writing Algorithms Exam Board: Eduqas / WJEC Specification: 2020 + Pseudocode Reminder Generally, pseudocode can be written in any way that is readable and clearly shows its purpose. However, the Eduqas exam board advises that pseudocode for the programming exam should follow the conventions below : Annotation { Write your comment in curly brackets} ​ Define data type price is integer firstname is string ​ Declare a variable's value set price = 100 set firstname = "Marcella" ​ Input / output output "Please enter your first name" input firstname Selection (must have indentation) if firstname = "Steven" then​ output "Hello" + firstname elif firstname = "Steve" then output "Please use full name" else output "Who are you?" end if ​ Iteration (while loop) while firstname ! = "Steven" output "Guess my name." input firstname repeat Iteration (for loop) for i in range 10 input item next i ​ Define a subroutine Declare Sub1 [Subroutine content indented] End Sub1 ​ Call a subroutine call Sub1 Writing Algorithms In an exam you may be asked to write an algorithm using pseudocode . Previous exams have offered up to 10 marks for a single algorithm . While this may seem daunting, it means you can still gain marks for an incomplete program , so don't leave it blank no matter what! ​ You must decompose the problem and break it down into more manageable chunks . Here's an example question : “A teacher is marking tests. Write an algorithm that allows the teacher to input the number of tests to mark and then the mark of each test. Output the average mark, highest mark and lowest mark. The tests are marked out of 100.” This specific algorithm can be broken down into pre-code and three main parts : ​ Part 0: Declare and assign variables. Part 1: Input the number of tests to mark. Part 2: Input the mark of each test. Part 3: Output the average, lowest and highest marks. Part 0: Variables Read the question carefully and work out the variables you will need in your algorithm. I have highlighted them in blue below: “A teacher is marking tests. Write an algorithm that allows the teacher to input the number of tests to mark and then the mark of each test . Output the average mark , highest mark and lowest mark . The tests are marked out of 100.” There is an additional variable to track as the average mark can only be worked out if we also know the total marks . number_of_tests is integer test_mark is integer average_mark is real highest_mark is integer lowest_mark is integer total is integer ​ number_of_tests = 0 test_mark = 0 average_mark = 0 highest_mark = -1 lowest_mark = 101 total = 0 Before you write the actual program, you must declare the variables you will need and assign values to them. ​ Firstly, declare the data type of each variable . A whole number is an integer and a decimal number is a real . The average must be a real data type because it is the result of division (total ÷ number_of_tests) and could be a decimal number . When assigning values, most numerical variables will be 0 . Most string values would be " " . ​ However this question is a bit more complicated - the highest mark must start as a really low value and the lowest mark must start as a really high value . This is ensure the first mark entered becomes the highest and lowest mark - this will make sense later. Part 1: Input Number of Tests output “Enter the number of tests to mark: ” input number_of_tests After declaring and assigning your variables the next parts will depend on the algorithm you need to write. This example requires the user to input the number of tests . Part 2: Input Each Mark (Loop) for i = 1 to number_of_tests output “Enter the test mark: ” input test_ mark For part 2 we need the teacher to enter each test’s mark . This is best done as a loop as we do not know how many tests the teacher has to mark until they have typed it in (part 1). All code within the loop must be indented . if test_mark > highest_mark then highest_mark = test_mark endif ​ if test_mark < lowest_mark then lowest_mark = test_mark endif We also need to work out what the highest and lowest marks are. This must be done within the loop as the test marks are entered. The test mark is compared to the current highest and lowest marks . If it is higher than the current highest mark it becomes the new highest mark . If it is lower than the current lowest mark it becomes the new lowest mark . This is why we set the highest_mark and lowest_mark to extreme values at the start - so the first mark entered becomes the new highest and lowest . total = total + test_mark next i The final steps of part 2 are to update the total marks and to close the loop . The total is increased by the test mark that has been entered. The ‘next i ’ command states that the current iteration has ended . The indentation has now stopped. Part 3: Outputs average_mark = total / number_of_tests output “The average mark is:” , average_mark output “The highest mark is:” , highest_mark output “The lowest mark is:” , lowest_mark Before the average can be output, it must be calculated by dividing the total by the number of tests . Then the average , highest and lowest marks can be output . Full Answer number_of_tests is integer test_mark is integer average_mark is real highest_mark is integer lowest_mark is integer total is integer ​ number_of_tests = 0 test_mark = 0 average_mark = 0 highest_mark = -1 lowest_mark = 101 total = 0 ​ output “Enter the number of tests to mark: ” input number_of_tests for i = 1 to number_of_tests output “Enter the test mark: ” input test_ mark ​ if test_mark > highest_mark then highest_mark = test_mark endif ​ if test_mark < lowest_mark then lowest_mark = test_mark endif ​ total = total + test_mark next i ​ average_mark = total / number_of_tests output “The average mark is:” , average_mark output “The highest mark is:” , highest_mark output “The lowest mark is:” , lowest_mark This example is slightly more complicated than some of the recent previous exam questions for writing algorithms. ​ Remember to decompose the problem by identifying the variables you need first. Q uesto's Q uestions 8.3 - Writing Algorithms: ​ 1. ​ A violin player performs a piece of music 8 times . They record a score out of 5 how well they think they performed after each attempt. ​ Write an algorithm using pseudocode that allows the violinist to enter the 8 scores and displays the highest score , lowest score and average score . An example score is 3.7. [10 ] ​ 2. A cyclist wants a program to be made that allows them to enter how many laps of a circuit they have made and the time in seconds for each lap . For example they may enter 3 laps, with times of 20.3 , 23.4 and 19.8 seconds . ​ The program should output the quickest lap time , slowest lap time , total amount of time spent cycling and the average lap time . Create an algorithm using pseudocode for this scenario. [10 ] 8.2 - Understanding Algorithms Theory Topics 8.4 - Sorting & Searching

  • 3.3a - Network Characteristics | OCR A-Level | CSNewbs

    Exam Board: OCR 3.3a - Network Characteristics Specification: A-Level 2015 What is a network? A network is more than one computer system connected together allowing for communication and sharing of resources . Networks can be split into different types , usually categorised by their geographical distance apart and the area that they serve. Local Area Network A local area network (LAN ) has computer systems situated geographically close together , usually within the same building or small site , like a school or office . ​ The network infrastructure of a LAN (such as servers and routers) is usually owned and managed by the network owner . Wide Area Network A wide area network (WAN ) has computer systems situated geographically distant to each other, possibly across a country or even across the world . WANs often use third party communication channels , such as connections by internet services providers like BT or Virgin Media. Other network types do exist, such as a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN ) for computer systems connected across a town or city or a Personal Area Network (PAN ) for devices connected and used by an individual . Advantages and Disadvantages of using a Network There are many benefits but also some drawbacks to using a network compared to having an unconnected ('standalone' ) computer: Advantages of Networks Easily share files , software and hardware between computers. Disadvantages of Networks There is an initial cost because network devices like routers are required . Larger companies will need to buy and maintain a server . Log in from any connected computer and access your data and files. A network manager / administrator might need to be employed to maintain the network . An administrator can monitor network activity and control security settings. Data from computers on the network can be automatically backed up on central storage. Security breaches are more likely and malware , such as worms, can spread quickly across the network. If the web server fails , all connected computers won't be able to access files or log on . Client-Server and Peer-to-Peer Networks Client-Server Network Clients make requests to a server , the server manages that request and responds. For example, if the user (client) makes a request to access to a web server. ​ Large services like Amazon and Google will need very powerful servers to handle millions of requests a second. ​ The client is completely dependent on the server to provide and manage the information. The server controls network security , backups and can be upgraded to manage higher demand. Advantages: The network can be controlled centrally from the server to easily backup data and update software . Hardware, software and resources can be shared across the network, such as printers, applications and data files . The network allows for improved scalability , meaning more clients can be easily added to the central server . Disadvantages: Large amounts of traffic congestion will cause the network to slow down . If a fault occurs with the server then the whole network will fail . IT technicians may be required to manage and maintain the network . Malware , such as viruses, can spread quickly across the network. Client-Side & Server-Side Processing Processing data when using a web application can be performed by the client ( client-side ) or by sending/receiving data with the server ( server-side ). ​ Client-Side Server-Side Client-side processing is more secure as no data is being sent along the network to the server, and thus can’t be intercepted . Web pages use JavaScript to quickly validate data and provide interactivity without having to prompt unnecessary interaction with the server . Server-side processing is reserved for more important tasks such as processing user input , interacting with databases and structuring web applications . It is also used to further validate data as client-side processing can be modified or even disabled on the browser so further checks are used to prevent malicious code , such as an SQL injection from being used. Peer-to-Peer Network For peer-to-peer networks , data is shared directly between systems without requiring a central server . Each computer is equally responsible for providing data. Peer to peer is optimal for sharing files that can then be downloaded. Disadvantages: Without a dedicated server there is no central device to manage security or backups . Backups must be performed on each individual system. Computer performance will decrease with more devices connected to the network, especially if other machines are slow. Advantages: This is a simpler network than client-server to set up as no server is required . Clients are not dependent on a server . Perfect for quickly sharing files between systems , such as downloading media files. Data Packets When sending data across a network, files are broken down into smaller parts called data packets . ​ Whole files are too large to transfer as one unit so data packets allow data to be transferred across a network quickly . ​ Each packet of data is redirected by routers across networks until it arrives at its destination. Data packets may split up and use alternative routes to reach the destination address. ​ When all the packets have arrived at the destination address the data is reassembled back into the original file. Contents of a Data Packet: Header Payload Trailer Source address Destination address Packet number Protocol The data itself A checksum - this is a calculation on the data to see if any errors or corruption have occurred during transmission . Packet Switching vs Circuit Switching The key difference is that a circuit-switched network sends data along the same route . A packet-switched network sends data packets along different routes . Packet Switching With a packet-switched network the data is split into packets . The data packets are transmitted over a network and may take different routes to its destination. When all the packets have arrived the data is reassembled . The Internet is an example of a packet-switching network. Advantages of Packet Switching: Transmission is more secure as it is harder for a hacker to intercept complete data because it can take different routes . If a network device fails the data packets can take an alternative route . Data packets can be sent efficiently and individually across less busy routes . Disadvantages of Packet Switching: ​ Reassembling the data takes longer because packets may arrive out of order . It is less reliable than circuit switching as some data packets may not reach the destination (this is called packet loss ). Circuit Switching When data is transmitted over a circuit-switched network all of the data takes the same route to the destination address in one continuous stream . The data is quickly reassembled at the destination because it is already in the correct order . The old telephone system is an example of a circuit-switched network. Advantages of Circuit Switching: ​ Reassembling the data is quick because the packets arrive in the order that they were sent. It is more reliable than packet-switching because data is sent in one continuous stream . The transmission is fast and should encounter fewer errors - once the connection has been securely established . Disadvantages of Circuit Switching: Less secure as hackers could intercept the data and more easily access the data as it all takes the same route. Establishing a connection takes time to set up. If any device fails on the route then the whole connection breaks and data transfer will be incomplete. Q uesto's Q uestions 3.3a - Network Characteristics: ​ 1a. Describe two differences between a LAN and WAN . [4 ] 1b. Give an example of how a LAN and a WAN could each be used . [2 ] ​ 2 a. Describe how peer-to-peer networks and client-server networks function. 2b. Give one use for both types of network. 2c. Describe the difference between client-side and server-side processing and give an example of when each would be used. [4 ] ​ 3a. Describe how packet switching works . [3 ] 3b. Describe the advantages of packet switching . [3 ] 3c. Describe the disadvantages of packet switching . [2 ] ​ 4a. Describe how circuit switching works . [3 ] 4b. Describe the advantages of circuit switching . [3 ] 4c. Describe the disadvantages of circuit switching . [3 ] ​ 5a. Draw and label diagrams of client-server and peer-to-peer networks. [4 ] 5b. Draw diagrams of packet switching and circuit switching . [2 ] 3.2b - SQL Theory Topics 3.3b - Protocols & TCP-IP Stack

  • 2.3.1b - Big O Notation | OCR A-Level | CSNewbs

    Exam Board: OCR 3.1b - Big O Notation Specification: A-Level 2015 An instruction set is a list of all the instructions that a CPU can process as part of the FDE cycle . ​ CPUs can have different sets of instructions that they can perform based on their function. The two most common instruction sets are the simpler RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer ) and more complicated CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer ). Instruction Sets This page is still being updated. Graphical Processing Unit What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Q uesto's Q uestions 3.1b - Big O Notation: ​ 1. What is cache memory ? [ 2 ] ​ 3.1a - Algorithm Design Theory Topics 3.1c - Stacks, Queues & Lists

  • Key Stage 3 Python | Turtle | CSNewbs

    Python - Iteration For Loops Editor Execute A for loop is a count controlled loop. ​ It repeats for a certain number of times as stated in the range brackets. ​ The first number (1) states the number to start on . ​ The second number is an exclusive end . This means it actually finishes on the number before . (11 will end on 10). You need a colon at the end of the loop line . ​ Each line to be repeated must be indented (press the tab key). ​ You can use the loop number within the loop itself. 1. Write a for loop to print your name 8 times . (Count it to double-check it prints eight times.) ​ 2. Use a for loop to print each number between 10 and 50 . ​ 3. Use a for loop from 1 to 10 . Print the 3 times table by multiplying number by 3 underneath the loop. ​ 4. Ask the user to input a whole number (call it num1 ). Write num1 in your range brackets to repeat any message that many times. 5. Ask the user to input a whole number (call it num1 ) and then input a word . Print the word by the number they entered . (Hint: Use num1 in the range.) ​ 6. Delete your code and copy these 3 lines: ​ #Delete the space after the colon for number in range(0,21,2):​ print(number) ​ What happens when you run this code? ​ 7. Use Q6 to help you print 0 to 100 , going up in 5s . Think about the 3 values you need in the range brackets. ​ 8. Use Q6 to help you print 100 down to 0 , backwards by 1 . Think about the 3 values you need in the range brackets. Tasks While Loops Editor Execute A while loop is a condition controlled loop . ​ While loops repeat as long as the condition is true . As soon as the condition becomes false , the loop will end . 1. Change the program in the editor to repeat the loop while a number is not equal to 33 . ​ 2. Make a new while loop that asks the user to enter a whole number . While the number is less than or equal to 1000 , keep repeating. ​ 3. Make a new while loop for while a colour is not equal to purple (or any colour you want). Ask the user to enter a colour inside of the loop . Don't forget to set colour to "" before you start. ​ 4. Edit your colour program to count how many guesses were made. Make a new variable called count and set it to 0 at the start of the program. Increase it by 1 in the loop, using count = count + 1 . 5. While a total is less than 100 , ask the user to input a decimal number . When it is over 100 , print ‘COMPUTER OVERLOAD’ . You need a variable called total . Increase the total each time with total = total + number . Don't forget to start it at 0 . Tasks != means ‘not equal to ’. The loop below will repeat as long as the password is not equal to “abc123” . Any variable you use in your condition must have a value first . You can’t check for your password if it doesn’t exist. That’s why I have written password = “” , to give password a value before we check it .

  • Python | Section 10 Practice Tasks | CSNewbs

    Python - Section 10 Practice Tasks Task One Create a file in Python called DaysOfTheWeek.txt. ​ Write the days of the week into the file in a single print line but put each day on a new line. ​ Check the file to see if it has worked. Example solution: Task Two Create a file called Colours.txt. ​ Use a for loop to ask the user to enter 8 different colours. ​ Write each colour onto the same line, with a space between the colours. ​ Close the file and open it again in read mode and print it. Example solution: Task Three Create a file named "Holiday.txt". ​ Ask the user to enter the family name, destination and and number of passengers. ​ Print each family's details on their own line. ​ Bonus: Edit this program to add a search feature to look for the family name. Example solution: Task Four Use the holiday file from task three above. You are going to change the destination. ​ Ask the user to enter a family name and then a new destination. ​ Update the destination with the new value. Check the file to ensure the destination has been updated successfully. ​ Use section 10c to help you with this task. Example solution: ⬅ 10c - Remove & Edit Lines 11 - Graphical User Interface ➡

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