Pseudocode is not a specific programming language but a more general method of describing instructions. It should be unambiguous, and it should not resemble any particular kind of programming language (e.g. Python or Java), so it can theoretically be turned into real code in any language.
Generally, pseudocode can be written in any way that is readable and clearly shows its purpose. However, the Eduqas exam board advises that pseudocode for the programming exam should follow the conventions below:
{Write your comment in curly brackets}
Define data type
price is integer
firstname is string
Declare a variable's value
set price = 100
set firstname = "Marcella"
Input / output
output "Please enter your first name"
input firstname
Selection (must have indentation)
if firstname = "Steven" then​
output "Hello" + firstname
elif firstname = "Steve" then
output "Please use full name"
else output "Who are you?"
end if
Iteration (while loop)
while firstname != "Steven"
output "Guess my name."
input firstname
Iteration (for loop)
for i in range 10
input item
next i
Define a subroutine
Declare Sub1
[Subroutine content indented]
End Sub1
Call a subroutine
call Sub1
A flowchart can be used to visually represent an algorithm. The flowchart symbols are:

Algorithm Example
{This is a program to see how many items you can buy in a supermarket
before you spend over £100}
total is integer, itemsentered is integer, itemprice is integer
set total = 0
set itemsentered = 0
while total < 100
output "enter the price of the next item"
input itemprice
total = total + itemprice
itemsentered = itemsentered + 1
if itemsentered >= 20 then
output "You are on your way to saving money."
elif itemsentered => 30 then
output "You're a real money saver."
else output "Look for better deals next time."
end if
