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  • 7.1 - Language Levels - Eduqas GCSE (2020 Spec) | CSNewbs

    7.1: Language Levels Exam Board: Eduqas / WJEC Specification: 2020 + There are two types of programming languages used within computer systems: High-Level Languages Why do programmers use high-level languages? ​ H igh-level programming languages use code written in a way that is similar to a natural human language , such as English, making it easier to understand and use the language. ​ Using high-level languages leads to fewer errors and allows for more powerful and complex commands compared to low-level languages. ​ However, a high-level language must be translated into machine code (binary) before it can be run, as high-level languages cannot be executed directly by the CPU . Popular high-level languages: PYT HON C++ Ja v a Visual Basic Low-Level Languages Low-level languages do not closely resemble a natural human language , making it harder for humans to understand and write in. ​ Low-level languages are used when a program must be executed quickly or when programmers need to write code that interacts directly with the hardware , such as device drivers. ​ There are two types of low-level language : Machine Code ​ This is the pure binary code that computers can directly process and execute . ​ It is extremely tedious and difficult for humans to understand and write machine code. ​ However, machine code can be used when a programmer needs to perform a very specific command that can't be done in a high-level language. ​ Machine code will be executed faster than high-level programs because it is already in a format the CPU can execute and does not need to be translated . 0010 1011 0101 0101 0110 0111 0101 0001 0101 0101 0101 0100 1010 1010 1010 1010 1111 1110 0010 1001 0100 1001 0010 0111 0111 0101 0011 1010 1000 0101 0110 0111 0000 1010 1010 0011 1101 1001 0010 1101 0010 0100 1001 0011 1010 1001 0101 0101 0010 0101 0111 0101 0101 1000 1011 0111 Assembly Language ​ Assembly language uses specialised command mnemonics to perform actions . See the Assembly Language section in the programming tab for a list of mnemonics such as INP , OUT and HLT . ​ Assembly language is preferred by many programmers over machine code because it is easier to understand and spot errors . ​ It is faster to execute than high-level languages and, like machine code, can be used to directly control the CPU . Q uesto's Q uestions 7.1 - Language Levels: ​ 1a. Describe three reasons why programmers use high-level languages . [ 3 ] 1b. Explain one limitation of using high-level languages . [2 ] ​ 2a. Describe a key difference between low-level languages and high-level languages . [ 2 ] 2b. Describe when a low-level language would be used instead of a high-level language . [2 ] 2c. Describe an advantage and a disadvantage of writing directly in machine code . [2 ] 2d. Describe what assembly language is. Give one benefit to using assembly language instead of machine code and one benefit to using it instead of a high-level language . [3 ] ​ 3. Compare high-level and low-level languages by stating which is: a. Easier to understand [ 1 ] b. Requiring translation [ 1 ] c. Quicker to execute [ 1 ] INP STA Number1 OUT HLT Number1 DAT 6.2 - Utility Software Theory Topics 8.1 - Programming Principles

  • App Inventor 2 | Simple Apps | CSNewbs

    App Inventor Task 1 & 2 - Basic Apps Basic Program #1 - Colour Changer This quick tutorial will teach you how to create an app that changes the background colour when you press different buttons . See the video: In Designer layout, firstly drag four buttons from the Palette tab on the left side and drop them one at a time on top of each other in the Viewer . In the Components tab, click on each button and press Rename to change the name (this makes it easier to code them later). You don't need to choose these four colours, but it is a good idea to start with these (you can change them later). ​ You should notice that you are only changing the name of the button - not the button on the text; these are two different variables . Now to change the text on each button. Click on a button in the centre then in the Properties tab on the right scroll down to Text and change the text to a colour. ​ When you've changed all four button texts, then you can start to code. Click on the Blocks button in the top right to start adding the code. In the Blocks tab on the left click on each button block (e.g. Red, Blue, Green and Yellow) and drag over a 'when click ' block for each colour. ​ Blocks we put inside of the 'when click' blocks will execute whenever that button is pressed. Grab a set Screen 1 BackgroundColor from the Screen1 section in the Blocks tab and place one underneath each when click block. Then line up the correct colour from the Colors section in the Blocks tab to the relevant button. Program 1 Complete! The easiest way to run an app that you have created at home using App Inventor 2 is to download the free MIT AI2 Companion App on your smartphone from the Google Play Store . At the top of the App inventor program on your computer , click on Connect and AI Companion . This will generate a six-digit code you can type into your phone. ​ If your school has the emulator installed, you can also use this to test your app. Ideas to Improve Your App: ​ Use the when Screen1 BackPressed block from the Screen1 section in Blocks to turn the background colour white when the back button is pressed. The block is shown to the right; you can work out how to use it. ​ Add more buttons for different colours. Try purple, black and orange for example. ​ Change the BackgroundColour (in Properties ) of each button to represent the colour it says. You might need to change the TextColour too for red and blue (see the image to the right). Password Checker Basic Program #2 - Password Checker This quick tutorial will teach you how to create an app that requires a user to enter a correct password . See the video - maximise to see it clearly: Firstly you need to grab a TextBox from the Palette tab on the left and place it in the Viewer. Then drag a Button and a Label . Put them in this order: You need to change the Text for the button in the Properties tab to 'Enter Password'. Click on your text box and delete the Hint Text from the Properties tab. Click on the label and delete the Text from the Properties tab. Don't worry, the label is still there! Now time to code. Open up the Blocks layout by clicking Blocks in the top right. Drag a when Button1 click block into the centre from the Button1 section in Blocks . ​ Drag an if then block from Control within the when Button 1 click block. Click on the blue cog button and, in the new window underneath, drag an else block within the if block. ​ The top part will update by itself. When the button is clicked we want to see if the text in the text box matches what we want it to be. ​ Grab an = block from Logic and connect it to the if block. Then place a TextBox1 Text block from TextBox1 in the first half and a blank " " block from Text in the second half. ​ In the " " block write what you want the password to be. I've chosen pikachu because pikachu is cool. Grab a Set Label1 Text block from Label1 and put one next to then and another next to else. ​ Place a " " block from Text and snap it next to both of those blocks. ​ If the user has entered the password correctly then you want 'Correct Password' to appear. Otherwise, if they have entered anything else , you want 'Incorrect Password' to appear. Program 2 Complete! The easiest way to run an app that you have created at home using App Inventor 2 is to download the free MIT AI2 Companion App on your smartphone from the Google Play Store . At the top of the App inventor program on your computer , click on Connect and AI Companion . This will generate a six-digit code you can type into your phone. ​ If your school has the emulator installed, you can also use this to test your app. Ideas to Improve Your App: ​ Change the password to something different. ​ If the correct password is entered change the background to gree n . If an incorrect password is entered change the background to red . You may want to scroll up to the first program as a reminder. KS3 Home Task 3

  • Expansion Cards | Key Stage 3 | CSNewbs

    Expansion Cards What is an expansion card? An expansion card is a circuit board that can be inserted into a computer and attached to the motherboard . Two important expansion cards are the graphics card and the sound card . ​ Expansion cards are attached to the PCI slots on the motherboard. PCI stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect. Graphics Card Fan Port (HDMI / VGA) Memory PCI Connector What is a Graphics Card? A graphics card processes video calculations so that it can display images and videos on a monitor . Graphics cards are used by professional video gamers and animators . Any job that focuses on graphics must have a powerful graphics card. A computer without a graphics card relies on the CPU to do the graphical processing instead . Sound Card PCI Connector Sound Chip Transistor Line In Microphone Line Out 1 Line Out 2 Line Out 3 Jacks: What is a Sound Card? Most computers don’t need a dedicated sound card, only musicians and producers who require high-quality sound . When you use a microphone , a sound card converts analogue waves (a voice) into digital data (binary). When you use headphones or speakers , a sound card converts digital data (binary) into analogue waves (sounds). What is the difference between an integrated and dedicated card? An integrated card is directly wired into the motherboard. They are cheaper and generate less power because they use the RAM of the computer. Integrated GPUs are used for laptops as they generate less heat and are used for general computing uses (e.g. web browsing or watching movies). A dedicated card is separate from the motherboard and has to be attached through a PCI slot. They are more expensive and generate more heat , often requiring a fan, because it contains its own processor and memory . ​ Dedicated cards are used by professionals who need higher quality features like better sound or graphics. KS3 Home

  • Python | 1c - Creating Variables | CSNewbs

    top Python 1c - Creating Variables What is a Variable? A variable represents a value that can change as a program is running . The two parts of a variable are the name (e.g. sweets) and the value (e.g. 8). sweets = 8 ​ print (sweets) = 8 amount of sweets = 8 ​ 8sweets = 8 sweets A variable can't contain spaces , it must start with a letter , and you must declare its value before you can use or print it. You always need to print the variable name (e.g. biscuits), not the value (20) as the value can change. Important – When writing variable names, we do not need speech marks. (e.g. type biscuits , not “biscuits”) ​ We use variables because the value of something might change as the program is executed. For example, if someone eats a sweet then the value of our variable changes: sweets = 8 ​ print (sweets) ​ sweets = 7 print (sweets) = 8 7 sweets = 8 ​ print ( Sweets) You must be consistent with capital letters when writing variable names. ​ sweets and Sweets are treated as two different variables. Creating Variables Task 1 ( Age & Pets) Make a variable named age and set it to your current age. On the next line print age . ​ Make another variable named pets and set it to how many pets you have. On the next line print pets . Example solution: 14 2 Variables with Strings (Text) In programming, a collection of alphanumeric characters (letters, numbers and punctuation) is called a string . "Pikachu" is a string. ​ In the example below, pokemon is the variable name that represents the variable value "Pikachu" . pokemon = "Pikachu" ​ print (pokemon) = Pikachu To create a string, we use "speech marks" . Numbers by themselves and variable names do not use speech marks. Each variable can only have one value at a time, but it can change throughout the program. pokemon = "Pikachu" ​ print (pokemon) ​ pokemon = "Squirtle" ​ print (pokemon) = Pikachu Squirtle Creating Variables Task 2 ( Superhero & Colour ) Make a variable named superhero and set it to any of your choice, such as "Spider-Man" . Print the superhero variable on the next line. ​ Make another variable named colour and set it to the colour related to your chosen superhero. Print the colour variable on the next line. Example solutions: Spider-Man Red The Hulk Green ⬅ 1b - Co mmenting 1d - Using Variables ➡

  • 2.3 - Software Development Methodologies | OCR A-Level | CSNewbs

    Exam Board: OCR 2.3: Software Development Methodologies Specification: A-Level 2015 An instruction set is a list of all the instructions that a CPU can process as part of the FDE cycle . ​ CPUs can have different sets of instructions that they can perform based on their function. The two most common instruction sets are the simpler RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer ) and more complicated CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer ). Instruction Sets This page is still being updated. Graphical Processing Unit What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Q uesto's Q uestions 2.3 - Software Development Methodologies: ​ 1. What is cache memory ? [ 2 ] ​ 2.2b - Translators & Compilation Theory Topics 2.4a - Programming & Pseudocode

  • Python | Section 4 Practice Tasks | CSNewbs

    top Python - Section 4 Practice Tasks Task One: Spanish Numbers Create a very simple Spanish translation program. ​ Let the user enter a number between one and four then print the Spanish word for that number using if , three elif s and else . ​ One in Spanish is uno , two is dos , three is tres and four is cuatro . ​ If they enter anything else print “I only know 1 to 4 in Spanish!” . Example solutions: Enter a number between 1 and 4: 3 tres Enter a number between 1 and 4: 5 I only know 1 to 4 in Spanish! Task Two: School Trip A school is organising a trip to Alton Towers . The coaches they are hiring can fit 45 people . ​ Enter the total number of people going on the trip and work out how many coaches will be full (using integer division ) and how many people will be left over on a partly full coach (using modulo division ). Example solutions: How many people are going on the trip? 100 There will be 2 full coaches and 10 people on another coach. How many people are going on the trip? 212 There will be 4 full coaches and 32 people on another coach. Task Three: Driving Tractors There are different rules in the United Kingdom for what farmers at certain ages can drive . Ask the user to input their age and then output the relevant information below: ​ Children under 13 cannot drive any tractors. A trained and supervised 13 to 15 year old can drive a low-powered tractor on private flat grass. 16 year olds with a provisional category F licence can drive tractors less than 2.45 metres wide. Young adults from 17 to 20 with the correct licence and training c an drive tracked vehicles that weigh less than 3,500kg. Adults over 21 years old , with the correct licence and training, can drive all types of tractor. ​ Note: Always be safe around machinery in farms regardless of your age. Driving without adequate training and a licence is illegal. Example solutions: How old are you? 8 You cannot drive any type of tractor. How old are you? 13 If you are trained and supervised you can drive a low-powered tractor on private flat grass. How old are you? 19 With the correct licence and training you can drive tracked vehicles that weigh less than 3,500kg. Task Four: Avoid the Three Choose a category like planets , people in your class or months of the year. Secretly choose three of them . ​ Ask the user to enter a word in your category. If they enter one of the three that you chose, they lose . Example solutions: I have secretly selected three months you must avoid! Enter a month of the year: April AHA! You chose one of the secret months, you lose! I have secretly selected three months you must avoid! Enter a month of the year: December Well done, you didn't choose one of my three! ⬅ 4c - Logical Opera tors 5a - Random ➡

  • 3.1 - Defensive Design - OCR GCSE (J277 Spec) | CSNewbs

    3.1: Defensive Design Exam Board: OCR Specification: J277 Defensive Design Considerations There are several things to consider when creating a program that is secure and robust , including: Anticipating Misuse Planning ahead to take steps against potential misuse (e.g the app X prevents the same tweet sent twice in a row as it might be spam ). Input Sanitisation Checking and cleaning up data that has been input , (e.g. removing special characters to prevent a SQL injection ). Validation Checking whether input data follows specific criteria and should be accepted (e.g. a length check on a password). Verification Checking whether data that has been entered is correct (e.g. double entry ). Authentication Ensuring only authorised users can gain access to a system (e.g. usernames and strong passwords ) . ​ Maintainable code Allowing other programmers to easily read and quickly understand code that has been written (e.g. using comments , indentation and appropriate variable names ). Input Validation Validation is a process to check that data is reasonable or sensible before it is accepted . Range Check Checks data is within a certain range . Age: 34 203 Type Check Checks data is a certain data type . Height (in cm): 182 Two metres Format Check Checks data is entered in a certain way . Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) 25/03/2011 25th March 11 Presence Check Checks that data has actually been entered and not left blank . Password: fluffythecat123 Lookup Table A table of acceptable entries , also known as a list . Length Check Checks the length of the input is within a certain amount. Telephone Number 08323877319 07383 Maintainability Programs should be written in a way that makes maintaining and understanding them as straightforward as possible. Examples of making a program maintainable include: Using subprograms to reuse code and make them easier to test . This is called modularisation . Appropriate variable names , using a naming convention , ensure the purpose of a variable is immediately understood. Using indentation to improve readability and clearly show each ‘block’ of code. Comments enable a programmer to understand the purpose of each line of code. Crucial when working in a team . Using constants is another method of improving maintainability. This keeps the program code consistent , which makes it easier to read and debug a program. Q uesto's Q uestions 3.1 - Defensive Design: ​ 1. Describe the different considerations a programmer should make for a defensive design . [ 6 ] ​ 2. Describe the each validation check and give a suitable example . [ 12 ] ​ 3. Explain the different ways a program can be maintained . [ 5 ] 2.3 Additional Programming Theory Topics 3.2 - Testing

  • OCR CTech IT | Unit 1 | 2.3 - Utility Software | CSNewbs

    2.3: Utility Software Exam Board: OCR Specification: 2016 - Unit 1 What is utility software? Utility software are dedicated programs used for the maintenance and organisation of a computer system. Antivirus Software Antivirus software is used to locate and delete viruses on a computer system. The antivirus scans each file on the computer and compares it against a database of known viruses . Files with similar features to viruses in the database are identified and deleted . There are thousands of known viruses but new ones are created each day by attackers so antivirus software must be regularly updated to keep systems secure. Other roles of an antivirus: Checking all incoming and outgoing emails and their attachments . Checking files as they are downloaded . Scanning the hard drive for viruses and deleting them . Firewall A firewall manages incoming and outgoing network traffic . Each data packet is processed to check whether it should be given access to the network by examining the source and destination address . ​ Unexpected data packets will be filtered out and not accepted to the network. Other roles of a firewall include: Blocking access to insecure / malicious web sites . Blocking certain programs from accessing the internet . Blocking unexpected / unauthorised downloads . Preventing specific users on a network accessing certain files . Defragmentation As files are edited over time they will become fragmented - this is when the file is split into parts that are stored in different locations on the hard disk drive . Files that are fragmented take longer to load and read because of the distance between the fragments of the file. Defragmentation software is used to rearrange the file on the hard disk drive so that all parts are together again in order. Defragmentation improves the speed of accessing data on the hard disk drive. Compression Compression is to decrease the size of a file . This is beneficial as more files can be stored on a storage device if the size has been reduced. Compressed files can be sent more quickly across a network because they are smaller. Monitors, Managers & Cleaners System monitors check the resources of a computer and display how much CPU time and memory current applications are using. Task managers allow a user to close processes and applications if they have stopped responding or if one is using too many resources. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete on any Windows computer to open Windows Task Manager which is a system monitor and task manager tool. ​ A disk cleaner is used to scan a hard disk drive and remove unused files . This is used to free up space on the hard drive. ​ A disk scanner will scan a hard disc for any errors and attempt to repair them . Backing Up Data A backup is a copy of data that can be used if the original data is corrupted or lost . Backups of all data should be made regularly and stored in an alternative location . Alternatively, imaging (also known as disk cloning ) creates an identical image of a storage drive to be stored in a different location . Q uesto's Q uestions 2.3 - Utility Software: ​ 1. What is the purpose of utility software ? [1 ] ​ 2a. Describe how antivirus software works. [ 2 ] 2b. Describe 3 further roles of antivirus software . [ 3 ] ​ 3a. What is the purpose of a firewall ? [ 2 ] 3b. Describe 3 further roles of a firewall . [ 3 ] ​ 4a. Describe what is meant by defragmentation . [ 2 ] 4b. Explain why defragmentation software is used . [ 2 ] ​ 5. Describe 2 benefits of using compression . [ 2 ] 6a. Explain why system monitor / task management software could be used . [ 2 ] 6b. Explain the purpose of disk cleaners and disk scanners . [ 2 ] ​ 7a. Explain what a backup is and why they are are important. [ 2 ] 7b. Describe what imaging is. [ 2 ] 2.2 - Applications Software Topic List 2.4 - Operating Systems

  • Python | 3b - Simple Calculations | CSNewbs

    top Python 3b - Simple Calculations Simple Calculations in Python You can perform calculations on numbers in Python using the four main operators : print ( 89 + 47) print ( 89 - 47) print ( 89 * 47) print ( 89 / 47) = 136 42 4183 1.8936170212765957 For addition , use the plus sign + ​ To subtract numbers, use the dash symbol – (but not an underscore _ ) ​ For multiplication , use an asterisk * which can be made by pressing Shift and 8 on a typical keyboard. ​ To divide numbers, use a forward slash / (but not a backslash \ ) Use a string and the calculation to make the output user friendly . print ( "53 x 7 =" , 53 * 7) = 53 x 7 = 371 Simple Calculations Task 1 ( + - * /) Print four different simple calculations, using a different operator ( + - * / ) for each. ​ Make the output user friendly by also showing the calculation (not just the answer). Copy the divide symbol here using Ctrl and C : ÷ Example solution: 18 + 35 = 53 18 - 35 = -17 18 x 35 = 630 18 ÷ 35 = 0.5142857142857142 Using Variables in Calculations You can also perform calculations on variables . The example below has the values of the variables pre-written. ​ You need to store the result in a variable . The total variable has been used to store the result of the multiplication. num1 = 12 num2 = 20 total = num1 * num2 print ( "The total is" , total) = The total is 240 The example below allows the user to input values . num1 = int ( input ( "Enter number one: " )) num2 = int ( input ( "Enter number two: " )) total = num1 + num2 print ( "The to ta l is" , total) Enter number one: 21 Enter number two: 82 The total is 103 = Don't leave the user in the dark, better user interfaces are clear and explain what outputted values mean: num1 = int ( input ( "Enter number one: " )) num2 = int ( input ( "Enter number two: " )) answer = nu m1 - num2 print (num1 , "-" , n um2 , "=" , answer) Enter number one: 83 Enter number two: 29 83 - 29 = 54 = Simple Calculations Task 2 ( Divide by 3) Use an input line with int to ask the user to enter a number . ​ Divide the number by 3 and output the result . Example solution: Enter a number: 11 11 divided by 3 is 3.6666666666666665 Simple Calculations Task 3 ( Add 3 Numbers ) Make three input lines using int to ask the user to enter three numbers . ​ Add the numbers together and output the total . Example solution: Enter the first number: 45 Enter the second number: 32 Enter the third number: 19 The total is 96 ⬅ 3a - Data Types Section 3 Practice Tasks ➡

  • Key Stage 3 Python | Inputs | CSNewbs

    Python - #3 - Inputs 1. Asking Questions Input means to enter data into a program. ​ Use the input command to ask a question. ​ You must save the answer into a suitably named variable using the = symbol. Task 1 - Create a new Python program and save the file as ​ Use the picture to help you ask what someone's name is. Run the program and type your name. When you run the program (F5) you can type your answer on any question line in the Python Shell . 2. Asking more Questions There is no limit to how many questions you can ask in Python. It is the most important way to interact with the user of your program. Task 2 - Ask two more questions on topics of your choice. 3. Using Variables in a Sentence When we have printed the answers so far, they have not been very informative! ​ You can print variables together with sentences so that they mean more. ​ Use a comma ( , ) between variables and sentences . Task 3 - Use the pictures to help you add commas and sentences to your program to be more informative. BONUS: After I took the screenshot of my code I added in print lines in the two blanks spaces that print a line of dashes. Try to do the same to make your program easier to read. 4. Using Integers An integer is a whole number . ​ When you are asking a question that you know will have a number for an answer , you need to add int ( before your input. ​ Don't forget to add double close brackets at the end of the question line ! Task 4 - Underneath your previous questions (don't delete anything) ask 2 questions that will have numbers for answers. You must use int ( - see the image for help. Challenge Programs Use everything that you have learned on this page to help you create these programs... ​ Challenge Task 1 - Funny Food Create a new Python program. Save it as ' ' Add a comment at the top with your name and the date. Create a program that asks two questions, one for their favourite colour and one for their favourite food. Print a funny sentence using both of their answers. ​ BONUS : Try to use only one print line. ​ Remember: Break up variables in a print line by using commas. ​ When you run it, it could look something like this: Challenge Task 2 - Trivia Question Create a new Python program. Save is as ' ' Add a comment at the top with your name and the date. Create a program that asks the user a trivia question of your choice. Print the correct answer AND their answer. ​ BONUS : Use only one print line. BONUS : Try to use only two lines in total . ​ Remember: Break up variables in a print line by using commas. ​ When you run it, it could look something like this: Challenge Task 3 - Getting to School Create a new Python program. Save it as ' ' Add a comment at the top with your name and the date. Create a program that asks two questions, one for how they get to school and one for how long it takes. Don't forget - use int( and then double close brackets for a number! Print an appropriate response that uses both of their answers. ​ BONUS : Use two separate input lines. BONUS : Try to use only one print line . ​ Remember: Break up variables in a print line by using commas. ​ When you run it, it could look something like this: <<< #2 Variables #4 Calculations >>>

  • Python | Section 2 Practice Tasks | CSNewbs

    top Python - Section 2 Practice Tasks Task One: Food & Colour Ask a user to input their favourite colour and their favourite food and then print a response using both answers. ​ Requirements for a complete program: ​ Use only one print line. Include both of the user's answers in the print line. Include capital letters, full stops and no irregular spacing in the printed line. ​ Remember: Break up variables in a print line by using commas or plus signs between each part of the "sentence" . Example solutions: What is your favourite colour? green What is your favourite food? cheese Yum! I'll have green cheese for dinner tonight! What is your favourite colour? purple What is your favourite food? ice cream Let's have purple ice cream for breakfast! Task Two: Trivia Question Create a program that asks the user to input an answer to a trivia question of your choice then prints the correct answer with their response too. Requirements for a complete program: Only two lines. Include capital letters, full stops and no irregular spacing in the printed line. Example solution: What is the capital city of Botswana? Windhoek Correct answer: Gaborone. Your answer: Windhoek What is the closest planet to Earth? Mars Correct answer: Mars. Your answer: Mars Task Three: Getting to School Create a program that asks the user how they get to school and how many minutes it takes them (using int ). ​ Then print an appropriate response that uses both variables . ​ Requirements for a complete program: ​ ​ Use only one print line. Include both of the user's answers in the print line. Include capital letters, full stops and no irregular spacing in the printed line. Example solution: How do you get to school? car How many minutes does it take you? 45 Really? It takes you 45 minutes to get here by car? How do you get to school? walking How many minutes does it take you? 20 Really? It takes you 20 minutes to get here by walking? ⬅ 2b - Inputting Numbers 3a - Data Types ➡

  • 3.3b - Protocols & TCP-IP Stack | OCR A-Level | CSNewbs

    Exam Board: OCR 3.3b - Protocols & TCP-IP Stack Specification: A-Level 2015 An instruction set is a list of all the instructions that a CPU can process as part of the FDE cycle . ​ CPUs can have different sets of instructions that they can perform based on their function. The two most common instruction sets are the simpler RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer ) and more complicated CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer ). Instruction Sets This page is still being updated. Graphical Processing Unit What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Q uesto's Q uestions 3.3b - Protocols & TCP-IP Stack: ​ 1. What is cache memory ? [ 2 ] ​ 3.3a - Network Characteristics Theory Topics 3.3c - Hardware & DNS

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