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  • HTML Guide 4 - Hyperlinks | CSNewbs

    4. Hyperlinks HTML Guide Watch on YouTube: A hyperlink is a link to another web page . ​ In this section, you will link your page to a real website, like Wikipedia. ​ Hyperlinks require the anchor tags and Copy a URL Firstly you need to copy the full web address of the web page that you would like to link your page to. Choose an appropriate web page that relates to your chosen topic. Create the Anchor Tag 4. Close the start of the tag . 1. Open the start of the tag . 2. Type href (stands for hypertext reference ). 3. Paste the URL inside speech marks . 5. Type the text you want the user to click on . 6. Time to close the tag . When you save your webpage and run it in a browser you will be able to click highlighted text to open the website you have chosen. Add at least three different hyperlinks to your webpage. Try to add the 2nd & 3rd links without looking at this page - practise makes perfect. Add a Hyperlink within a Sentence You can also create an anchor tag within a sentence. Hyperlinks are important to link webpages together. ​ Next is time for adding pictures! Either change one of your previous hyperlinks to be in the middle of a sentence or create a new one. 3. Text Tags HTML Guide 5. Images

  • Greenfoot Guide #7 | Extension Ideas | CSNewbs

    7. Extension Ideas Greenfoot Tutorial This concludes the tutorial for a simple Greenfoot game! Try a combination of the suggestions below to add complexity to your game: ​ 1. Make a New Class for 'Bad' Collectibles Create a new subclass in the Actor classes section for a new collectible that will lower the score if picked up. ​ Add code to your main character to remove the collectible when they touch . ​ Add code to decrease the counter by 1 at the same time. 2. Make the Collectibles Move Randomly Copy the code from your enemy class that makes it move randomly and bounce on edge , and paste this into your collectible class . ​ This makes it harder to catch the collectables, especially if there are 'bad' objects to avoid. 3. Stop the Game Go to the code of your enemy and add the line underlined in red within your removal code. ​ This will stop the game if your main character is eaten. 4. Make the Game Multiplayer Create a new subclass in the Actor classes section for a new main character that will be controlled by a second player . ​ Add code to your new character to move it right, down, left and up . ​ Choose different keys for each direction , such as the WASD keys or IJKL keys. ​ If the second player touches a collectible , add code to decrease the score . Multiplayer Rules: Player 1 wins if the final score is above 0 . Player 2 wins if the final score is negative . It is a draw if it finishes on 0 . < Part 6 - The Counter

  • OCR CTech IT | Unit 1 | 2.2 - Applications Software | CSNewbs

    2.2: Applications Software Exam Board: OCR Specification: 2016 - Unit 1 What is applications software? Don't confuse applications software and apps . Apps generally have a single use, such as Angry Birds or the flashlight tool on a phone. ​ Applications Software can be used for a number of different functions depending on the user's needs and their purpose. Productivity Software This is general use software for completing tasks accurately and efficiently . Key examples include word processors (e.g. Microsoft Word or Google Docs), presentation software (e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides) and web browsers (e.g. Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome). ​ Email applications (e.g. Microsoft Outlook or Gmail) are beneficial to organisations because staff can send information to many customers at once which is a simpler and less costly method of communication than something like sending letters or leaflets in the mail. Emails can also include attachments of important documents and include multimedia elements like images and videos to make communication more interesting . Databases and Spreadsheets ​ Database tables and spreadsheets can store both numerical and textual data ready for analysis. Examples include simple database tables and financial spreadsheets of a company's profits this year. Microsoft Access is an example of database software that uses tables and Microsoft Excel is an example of spreadsheet software. Data can be sorted numerically or alphabetically for both software types but graphs can be created from spreadsheets to visualise data . ​ When using spreadsheets (or databases) records can be locked ('record locking' ) so that only one person can make edits at any one time. Edits will be saved before unlocking the file. This will stop data being incorrectly overwritten and will ensure that the data in the spreadsheet is up-to-date, accurate and fit for purpose. ​ An advantage of databases over spreadsheets is that data can be atomised - stored in separate tables but linked through relationships. Development Tools These are tools for programmers who are creating or modifying software . An integrated development environment ( IDE ) is software used to create and edit programs. An IDE features a number of tools including: ​ A translator is a program that converts one type of language into another. A compiler is a type of translator that converts instructions into machine code (binary). A debugger is used to test code and display errors . ​ Other development tools aid programmers with developing and maintaining websites and apps for phones / tablets. has been used to create and update this website. Business Software This is specialist software for businesses , often made bespoke for an organisation. One example of business software is design packages such as CAD / CAM (C omputer-A ided D esign / C omputer-A ided M anufacturing). This is the use of software to design and construct products . Workers such as manufacturers and dentists use this type of software. ​ Another type of business software is project management software that allows teams of workers to collaborate and divide projects into manageable tasks. Expert systems use large databases for automatic decision making , such as medical diagnosis programs . Further examples of business software, such as Management Information Systems (MIS), can be found in 3.5 . Q uesto's Q uestions 2.2 - Applications Software: ​ 1. State four different kinds of productivity software and briefly describe how each could be used . For example: "Word processors can be used to type up a letter in an office or write an essay for school." [8 ] ​ 2. Describe two differences between database and spreadsheet software. [2 ] ​ 3a. What is an Integrated Development Environment ? [1 ] 3b. Describe three tools used in an IDE. [6 ] 4. Giving brief examples of how they can be used, state four different types of business software . [8 ] 5. Suggest how a website design company could use each of the three types of applications software (Productivity Software , Development Tools and Business Software ). [ 6 ] 2.1 - Types of Software Topic List 2.3 - Utility Software

  • 3.1 - Network Characteristics - Eduqas GCSE (2020 spec) | CSNewbs

    3.1: Network Characteristics Exam Board: Eduqas / WJEC Specification: 2020 + What is a network? A network is more than one computer system connected together allowing for communication and sharing of resources . There are many benefits but also some drawbacks to using a network compared to having an unconnected ('standalone' ) computer: Advantages of Networks Easily share files , software and hardware between computers. Disadvantages of Networks There is an initial cost because network devices like routers are required . Larger companies will need to buy and maintain a server . Log in from any connected computer and access your data and files. A network manager / administrator might need to be employed to maintain the network . An administrator can monitor network activity and control security settings. Data from computers on the network can be automatically backed up on central storage. Security breaches are more likely and malware , such as worms, can spread quickly across the network. If the web server fails , all connected computers won't be able to access files or log on . Network Types Networks can be split into different types , usually categorised by their geographical distance apart and the area that they serve. Local Area Network A local area network (LAN ) has computer systems situated geographically close together , usually within the same building or small site , like a school or office . Wide Area Network A wide area network (WAN ) has computer systems situated geographically distant to each other, possibly across a country or even across the world . The internet is an example of a WAN that spans the globe. Personal Area Network A PAN is a personal network for an individual , such as a photographer connecting a smartphone, desktop computer and printer together. Metropolitan Area Network A MAN is larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN and typically covers a relatively large area like a university campus, town or city . Virtual Private Network A VPN allows for a secure and encrypted connection to a public network like the internet. It is often used to protect an individual's privacy by concealing their real location. Wired & Wireless Networks Wired Connections Wireless Connections Wireless connections, such as WiFi or Bluetooth , use no cables but require a wireless network interface card (WNIC ). Wireless connections generally have a slower speed and can be affected by the computer's distance from the wireless router as well as obstacles like walls or bad weather. Wired connections use physical cables , such as copper or fibre optic wires , and require a network interface card (NIC ) to connect to a network. These wired connections use a wired connection protocol - most commonly Ethernet . Restricted Movement Faster More Secure NIC Required Freedom of Movement Slower Less Secure WNIC Required Q uesto's Q uestions 3.1 - Network Characteristics: ​ 1. A retirement home for the elderly is considering installing a LAN , give 3 benefits and 3 drawbacks they might find of using a network . [6 ] ​ 2a. Describe the difference between a LAN and WAN . [2 ] 2b. Give an example of how a LAN and a WAN could each be used . [ 2 ] ​ 3 . Explain the differences between a PAN , MAN and VPN . [ 3 ] ​ 4. For each of the scenarios below, state which network type would be most suitable : a. The IT rooms of a secondary school . [ 1 ] b. A study in a house with a desktop and printer. [ 1 ] c. Using online banking when abroad on a holiday to stay secure . [ 1 ] d. A large technology company with offices across Europe . [ 1 ] e. Council offices with several locations across Manchester . [ 1 ] ​ 5. Briefly compare wired and wireless networks . [ 8 ] 2.2 - Boolean Algebra 3.2 - Data Packets & Switching Theory Topics

  • 4.1c - Signed Binary & Floating Point | OCR A-Level | CSNewbs

    Exam Board: OCR 4.1c - Signed Binary & Floating Point Specification: A-Level 2015 An instruction set is a list of all the instructions that a CPU can process as part of the FDE cycle . ​ CPUs can have different sets of instructions that they can perform based on their function. The two most common instruction sets are the simpler RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer ) and more complicated CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer ). Instruction Sets This page is still being updated. Graphical Processing Unit What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Q uesto's Q uestions 4.1c - Signed Binary & Floating Point: ​ 1. What is cache memory ? [ 2 ] ​ 4.1b - Denary, Binary & Hexadecimal Theory Topics 4.1d - Binary Calculations

  • Python | Extended Task 7 | CSNewbs

    Extended Task 7 'Guess the Number' Multiplayer Game A primary school teacher wants to create a fun activity for their students to play when it is raining and they have to stay inside during break and lunch. Five pupils can play the game at once. Each player chooses a number between 1 and 100 . Then a random number is generated. ​ Whoever was furthest from the random number is out of the game . The four remaining players then pick a new number . This continues with one player being removed each round until only one player is left and they are the winner. ​ Add your own flair and additional features to your program as an extension, including preventing the same number being chosen by multiple players . For this task, you will need to create a document and include the following sections (with screenshots where appropriate): ​ An introduction to explain the Purpose of your program . A List of Requirements for a successful program. Screenshots of your code (with comments in your code to show understanding). Testing – Create a plan to show how you will test your program and then explanations of any errors that you found and how they were fixed . An Evaluation of what worked, what didn’t, and how you met each of your requirements from your original list. Also, discuss further improvements that you could have made to improve your program. Reminders for this task: You will need to use loops to allow the users to enter their numbers. You may wish to use subroutines to decompose the problem into separate rounds. You will need to import the random library to generate a random number in each round. You will need to compare each number to the randomly selected answer using comparison operators such as > and <. There are multiple ways to approach this program, and your solution might look different from the example. Break the problem down and focus on one part at a time. Example solution: Introduction & Round One Round Two ⬅ Extended Task 6 (Word Game)

  • 3.1a - Compression | OCR A-Level | CSNewbs

    Exam Board: OCR 3.1a - Compression Specification: A-Level 2015 An instruction set is a list of all the instructions that a CPU can process as part of the FDE cycle . ​ CPUs can have different sets of instructions that they can perform based on their function. The two most common instruction sets are the simpler RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer ) and more complicated CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer ). Instruction Sets This page is still being updated. Graphical Processing Unit What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Q uesto's Q uestions 3.1a - Compression: ​ 1. What is cache memory ? [ 2 ] ​ 2.4c - Object-Oriented Language Theory Topics 3.1b - Encryption & Hashing

  • 2.3.1c - Data Structures: Stacks, Queues & Lists | OCR A-Level | CSNewbs

    Exam Board: OCR 3.1c - Data Structures: Stacks, Queues & Lists Specification: A-Level 2015 An instruction set is a list of all the instructions that a CPU can process as part of the FDE cycle . ​ CPUs can have different sets of instructions that they can perform based on their function. The two most common instruction sets are the simpler RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer ) and more complicated CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer ). Instruction Sets This page is still being updated. Graphical Processing Unit What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Multicore & Parallel Systems What is cache memory? ​ Cache memory is temporary storage for frequently accessed data . ​ Cache memory is very quick to access because it is closer to the CPU than other types of memory like RAM . Q uesto's Q uestions 3.1c - Data Structures: Stacks, Queues & Lists: ​ 1. What is cache memory ? [ 2 ] ​ 3.1b - Big O Notation Theory Topics 3.1d - Trees & Graphs

  • 3.2 - Packets & Switching - Eduqas GCSE (2020 spec) | CSNewbs

    3.2: Data Packets & Switching Exam Board: Eduqas / WJEC Specification: 2020 + What is a data packet? When sending data across a network, files are broken down into smaller parts called data packets . ​ Whole files are too large to transfer as one unit so data packets allow data to be transferred across a network quickly . ​ Each packet of data is redirected by routers across networks until it arrives at its destination. Data packets may split up and use alternative routes to reach the destination address. ​ When all the packets have arrived at the destination address the data is reassembled back into the original file. Contents of a Data Packet Data packets contain six distinct pieces of data which are used to redirect the packets towards the destination address. Packet Switching vs. Circuit Switching The key difference is that a circuit-switched network sends data along the same route . A packet-switched network sends data packets along different routes . Packet Switching With a packet-switched network the data is split into packets . The data packets are transmitted over a network and may take different routes to its destination. When all the packets have arrived the data is reassembled . The Internet is an example of a packet-switching network. Advantages of Packet Switching: Transmission is more secure as it is harder for a hacker to intercept complete data because it can take different routes . If a network device fails the data packets can take an alternative route . Data packets can be sent efficiently and individually across less busy routes . Disadvantages of Packet Switching: ​ Reassembling the data takes longer because packets may arrive out of order . It is less reliable than circuit switching as some data packets may not reach the destination (this is called packet loss ). Circuit Switching When data is transmitted over a circuit-switched network all of the data takes the same route to the destination address in one continuous stream . The data is quickly reassembled at the destination because it is already in the correct order . The old telephone system is an example of a circuit-switched network. Advantages of Circuit Switching: ​ Reassembling the data is quick because the packets arrive in the order that they were sent. It is more reliable than packet-switching because data is sent in one continuous stream . The transmission is fast and should encounter fewer errors - once the connection has been securely established . Disadvantages of Circuit Switching: Less secure as hackers could intercept the data and more easily access the data as it all takes the same route. Establishing a connection takes time to set up. If any device fails on the route then the whole connection breaks and data transfer will be incomplete. Q uesto's Q uestions 3.2 - Data Packets & Switching: ​ 1. Draw the data packet diagram and label all 6 pieces of information . [ 6 ] ​ 2a. Describe how packet switching works . [3 ] 2b. Describe the advantages of packet switching . [3 ] 2c. Describe the disadvantages of packet switching . [2 ] ​ 3a. Describe how circuit switching works . [3 ] 3b. Describe the advantages of circuit switching . [3 ] 3c. Describe the disadvantages of circuit switching . [3 ] 3.1 - Network Characteristics Theory Topics 3.3 - Network Topology

  • App Inventor 2 | Pop-up Blob | CSNewbs

    App Inventor Task 7 - Pop-up Blob The previous apps have been preparing you to make a longer and more complicated app. Now we will put together all of the skills you have learned to create a fun game. Check the video: ​ ​ ​ Open App Inventor 2 (use the button below) and create a new project. You will need to log in with a Google account. ​ App Inventor 2 Ready for a challenge? ​ This is what the program looks like in Designer layout. To the left are the components with all their Properties correct. ​ To the right are the Components names. ​ Put the three labels and button inside a HorizontalArrangement from the Layout section of Palette . ​ The Text for ScoreLabel is 'Score: 0'. ​ The Text for TimeRemainingLabel is 'Time Remaining:'. ​ The Text for SecondsLabel is '20'. ​ Place an ImageSprite inside a Canvas (both from the Drawing and Animation section of Palette ). ​ Download the blob image from the Basics page here and upload it as the Picture for the ImageSprite . Change to Blocks layout and drag a initialize global to block from Variables . Type 'Score' in the empty space to create a variable that we will use to track how many times the blob has been touched. Attach a 0 block from Math to start the score at 0. This big block of code uses some of the concepts which you have used before. Whenever the Blob is touched the variable Score is increased by 1. ​ The X and Y coordinates of the Blob are changed by random numbers so it will appear in a random location on the screen. ​ The bottom blocks change the ScoreLabel to show the current score. Every second that the timer ticks we want to check if the score is more than 1 (to check it hasn't reached 0). If it is more than 1 second then the time will count down by 1. ​ In the else part you need to add the following: Set Blob Enabled to false . Set Blob Visible both to false . Set TimeRemainingLabel Visible to false . Set SecondsLabel Visible to false . When the Reset Button is clicked the score variable is changed to 0 and the Seconds label is rewritten to 0. Make sure you use the " " block from Text and not a block from Math. ​ Inside the when ResetButton Click block you need to reverse the code you have added for the else block when the timer ticks: Set Blob Enabled to true . Set Blob Visible both to true . Set TimeRemainingLabel Visible to true . Set SecondsLabel Visible to true . ​ Extra Step: Challenges 1. Large score display . If you watch the video at the top of the page again, you will see that when the time runs out (is less than 1) some of the labels turn invisible and the TextColour and FontSize of the ScoreLabel changes. Try to do the same in your app. Remember to reverse what you have done in the code for the reset button; otherwise, the labels will still be invisible! ​ 2. Customise your game . Change the background of the Canvas to an image, change the blob to a different image and add a sound when the character is 'popped'. ​ 3. *HARDER Challenge* Add a High Score Label . Follow these hints carefully and use the colours to help you. ​ You need to initialize a new Variable called HighScore and set it to 0 . You also need to add a new HighScoreLabel and put it in your Horizontal Arrangement in Designer layout. ​ Add an if then block in the else part of the When Timer Timer block you already have. ​ If Score > HighScore then HighScore = Score . ​ This will change the value of HighScore to the current Score if it is higher than the current high score. Remember to make the HighScoreLabel display the new HighScore . KS3 Home

  • 1.2 - Storage Media | Unit 2 | OCR Cambridge Technicals | CSNewbs

    1.2 - Storage Media Exam Board: OCR Specification: 2016 - Unit 2 Data can be stored on a variety of storage media , each with its own benefits and drawbacks . Magnetic Storage Optical Storage A magnetic hard disk drive (HDD ) is the most common form of secondary storage within desktop computers. A read/write head moves nanometres above the disk platter and uses the magnetic field of the platter to read or edit data. Hard disk drives can also be external and connected through a USB port . An obsolete (no longer used) type of magnetic storage is a floppy disk but these have been replaced by solid state devices such as USB sticks which are much faster and have a much higher capacity. Another type of magnetic storage that is still used is magnetic tape . Magnetic tape has a high storage capacity but data has to be accessed in order (serial access ) so it is generally only used by companies to back up or archive large amounts of data . Optical storage uses a laser to project beams of light onto a spinning disc, allowing it to read data from a CD , DVD or Blu-Ray . ​ This makes optical storage the slowest of the four types of secondary storage. ​ Disc drives are traditionally internal but external disc drives can be bought for devices like laptops. Magnetic Storage Characteristics: ​ ✓ - Large CAPACITY and cheaper per gigabyte than solid state . ​ X - Not DURABLE and not very PORTABLE when powered on because moving it can damage the device. ​ ✓ - Relatively quick ACCESS SPEED but slower than Solid State . ​ Optical Storage Characteristics: ​ X - Low CAPACITY : 700 MB (CD ), 4.7 GB (DVD ), 25 GB (Blu-ray ). X - Not DURABLE because discs are very fragile and can break or scratch easily. ✓ - Discs are thin and very PORTABLE . ​ X - Optical discs have the Slowest ACCESS SPEED . ​ ​ Magnetic Disks are spelled with a k and Optical Discs have a c. Solid State Storage Paper Storage There are no moving parts in solid state storage. SSD s (Solid State Drives ) are replacing magnetic HDDs (Hard DIsk Drives) in modern computers and video game consoles because they are generally quieter , faster and use less power . SSDs can also be external . ​ A USB flash drive ( USB stick ) is another type of solid state storage that is used to transport files easily because of its small size. ​ Memory cards , like the SD card in a digital camera or a Micro SD card in a smartphone , are another example of solid state storage. Paper storage includes printed or hand-written documents, notes, forms, schedules and maps. Paper is relatively inexpensive in small quantities but it can take up a lot of space compared to small devices like USB sticks. Producing paper is environmentally damaging and requires physical security methods to keep safe. ​ Paper, such as a timetable, can be written on if times change and easily carried on a person. However, paper in the form of an essay must be re-printed to add changes . Solid State Characteristics: ​ ✓ - High CAPACITY but more expensive per gigabyte than magnetic . ​ ✓ - Usually DURABLE but cheap USB sticks can snap or break . ​ ✓ - The small size of USB sticks and memory cards mean they are very PORTABLE and can fit easily in a bag or pocket. ​ ✓ - Solid State storage has the fastest ACCESS SPEED because they contain no moving parts . Paper Storage Characteristics: ​ X - Low CAPACITY as each page can only hold a certain amount of information. Paper also takes up physical space . ​ X - Poor DURABILITY as paper can easily tear and become damaged in rain. ​ ✓ / X - PORTABILITY varies as single sheets of paper can be easily folded and placed in a pocket. However, large stacks of paper can be difficult and expensive to transport. ​ X - Paper's ACCESS SPEED , in terms of searching for a specific item, is slow , especially if the paper storage has not been organised efficiently . Q uesto's Q uestions 1.2 - Storage Media: ​ 1. State 3 examples of each type of storage media . For example, a CD for optical storage. [3 each ] ​ 2. Compare each type of storage media in terms of capacity , durability , portability and access speed . You may decide to do this as a table or poster. [16 ] ​ 3. Identify the most suitable device (not the media ) and justify its suitability for the following scenarios: a. Backing up a large database at the end of each day. [5 ] b. Keeping a copy of a cleaning schedule for hotel staff. [5 ] c. Making copies of a promotional video to hand out to audience members at a dancing event. [5 ] 1.1 - Holders of Information Topic List 1.3 - Access & Storage Devices

  • 4.1 - Number Systems - Eduqas GCSE (2020 Spec) | CSNewbs

    4.1: Number Systems Exam Board: Eduqas / WJEC Specification: 2020 + What is binary? By now you should know that computer systems process data and communicate entirely in binary . ​ Topic 1.4 explained different binary storage units such as bits (a single 0 or 1), nibbles (4 bits) and bytes (8 bits). ​ Binary is a base 2 number system. This means that it only has 2 possible values - 0 or 1 . ​ Because binary is a base 2 number system, binary numbers should be written out with a 2 after them, like this: 10101002 What is denary? Denary (also known as decimal ) is the number system that you've been using since primary school. ​ Denary is a base 10 number system. This means that it has 10 possible values - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 . ​ Because denary is a base 10 number system, denary numbers should be written out with a 10 after them, like this: 165 10 How to convert from binary to denary: How to convert from denary to binary: What is hexadecimal? Hexadecimal is a base 16 number system. This means that it has 16 possible values - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E and F . ​ Because hexadecimal is a base 16 number system, hexadecimal numbers should be written out with a 16 after them, like this: 6E16 ​ Hexadecimal is used as a shorthand for binary because it uses fewer characters to write the same value . This makes hexadecimal less prone to errors when reading or writing it , compared to binary. For example, 1001111010112 is 9EB16 . ​ Hexadecimal only uses single-character values. Double-digit numbers are converted into letters - use the table on the right to help you understand. How to convert from binary to hexadecimal: How to convert from hexadecimal to binary: Converting from denary to hexadecimal / hexadecimal to denary To convert from denary to hexadecimal or the other way round you must convert to binary first . ​ Denary > Binary > Hexadecimal ​ Hexadecimal > Binary > Denary ​ Use the videos on this page if you need help converting to or from binary. ​ The most common number systems question in exams are from denary to hexadecimal or from hexadecimal to denary so make sure that you practice these conversions. Q uesto's Q uestions 4.1 - Number Systems: ​ 1. Explain why hexadecimal numbers are used as an alternative to binary . Use an example . [ 3 ] ​ 2. Convert the following values from binary to denary : a. 00101010 2 b. 11011011 2 c. 01011101 2 d. 11101110 2 e. 01011111 2 [1 each ] ​ 3. Convert the following values from denary to binary : a. 35 10 b. 79 10 c. 101 10 d. 203 10 e. 250 10 [1 each ] ​ 4. Convert the following values from binary to hexadecimal : a. 11110101 2 b. 01100111 2 c. 10111010 2 d. 10010000 2 e. 11101001 2 [1 each ] ​ 5. Convert the following values from hexadecimal to binary : a. C2 16 b. 8A 16 c. DE 16 d. 54 16 e. F7 16 [1 each ] ​ 6. Convert the following values from denary to hexadecimal : a. 134 10 b. 201 10 c. 57 10 d. 224 10 e. 101 10 [1 each ] ​ 7. Convert the following values from hexadecimal to denary : a. 32 16 b. A5 16 c. 88 16 d. C0 16 e. BE 16 [1 each ] Watch on YouTube Watch on YouTube Watch on YouTube Watch on YouTube Click the banners above to try self-marking quizzes (Google Form) on these topics. Denary to Binary: Binary to Denary: Binary to Hexadecimal: Hexadecimal to Binary: 3.9 Protection Against Threats Theory Topics 4.2 - Signed Binary

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